Friday, August 22, 2008

The Olympics!!


I love watching the athletes in all of their endeavors. The viewing was a bit skewed with NBC running the show but I watched as much as I could. I'm such an armchair athlete that I take full advantage of living vicariously through the different athletes. Then to have someone like Dara Torres touting her competitive abilities at 40 years old. "Right on!!" I say.

And how about the darlings of volleyball? Those women rock! I was screaming for the Belgium team that came out to win in their first set - playing beautifully and sending Misty May Treanor and Kerri Walsh hustling like I hadn't seen them work before. Then as Misty May said in their exit interview - "Well they woke up the sleeping tiger." In the second set - Belgium was squashed in a 10 minute volley and the Americans reigned once again.

The most often heard saying is along the same lines as Jamaican Usain Bolt's declaration, "Anything is possible if I put my mind to it." He had just won a gold medal for the 100 meter run. This is an Olympic's athlete mindset. We get to see a celebration of that discipline and focus in 10 days of physical activities. It's a great break for me from life as usual.